Christina - Grammatiki Tsopela, MD

Pediatrician, Infection Preventionist
Grammatiki-Christina Tsopela has specialized in Pediatrics in Greece and after the completion of her residency, she is working as a private pediatrician. She has worked for an NGO that provided primary healthcare to vulnerable social groups such as uninsured Greek children, refugees, and immigrants.As part of her work there, she participated in the implementation of an integrated program to prevent and control HIV and Hepatitis B infection.
Since 2014 that she started working at Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcomes Research (CLEO), she has been involved in the development and implementation of surveillance systems for hospital associated infections (HAIs) and the use of antibiotics; the design and implementation of care bundles in order to decrease HAIs , increase adherence with Hand Hygiene(HH) compliance and improve use of antibiotics in public children’s and general hospitals throughout Greece. She has participated in the design and implementation of a campaign to inform public on HH importance and practices in pediatric hospitals.
Additionally, she took part in international research collaborations on antibiotic resistance patterns, has conducted clinical research studies in healthcare epidemiology, has participated in development of a cumulative hospital antibiogram and in the design of a multifaceted strategy that have resulted in increasing healthcare workers’ uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination in a tertiary- care pediatric hospital in Greece. Her main scientific interests concern infection prevention and control, the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs to mitigate antibiotic resistance and public health.